Julia Bloch


Julia Bloch is a Consultant at Archway Research.  Ms. Bloch provides expert support in the analysis of various types of damages related to litigated matters including intellectual property disputes, breach of contract, and matters of unfair competition.  She performs various financial analyses including the evaluation of lost profits, reasonable royalties, and unjust enrichment.  Ms. Bloch's role in these engagements focuses on research, strategic planning, financial modeling, and valuation analysis.

Ms. Bloch manages cases from the discovery phase through trial and regularly assists counsel in preparing for depositions and trial examinations.  These engagements have spanned a broad range of industries including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, computer hardware and software, and manufacturing, among others.

Ms. Bloch earned a B.A. in Economics with a minor in International Studies from the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences at Boston College.

Julia Bloch
D: 617.209.5105 T: 617.758.0500
Archway Research Group
116 Huntington Avenue | Suite 301
Boston, MA 02116 US

Education & Certifications

Boston College
Cum Laude
B.A. in Economics